I am little obsessed with Instagram at the moment, especially since I'm doing the Photo A Day challenge. Friends sometimes ask what apps I use for all my photos so I thought I'd share my favourites. This isn't a sponsored post, just my favourite and most used apps.
I take the majority of my photos just with the camera on the iPhone. I never use the camera in the Instagram App, and will only edit my photos in Instagram if I'm in a hurry. I do love the Brannan filter though. I want my photos to start in a high resolution for printing later on.
Mt first normal step is to open the photo on Afterlight. This app is awesome. I crop and add a filter generally through this app. You can actually do pretty much everything in it. Change the brightness, edit the contrast, sharpness, shadows etc.
Once I've done that I often want to add a filmy grain to it. Especially for my Photo A Day projct, I try and have some consistency with the grain and the frame. For my grain I use Blender. I've downloaded lots of overlays such as Mextures by Merek Davis, NDPATTERNS by Simon Fletcher and brenoverlays by Bren at Shalecubs. I am a little in love with overlays. Blender basically merges two photos into one, so you can do awesome edits with other photos. I'm a fan.
Once I've jazzed it all up, I'll either move it to Snapseed or Camera+. Snapseed I mainly use if I want to add some nice soft focus, and fiddle with some other things.
Last step is moving into Camera+ to add the border. I decided to stick with a thin black border for all my photos but they've got some other really nice frames. You can also add some more great filters through this app.
What are your favourite apps? I'm always on the look out for more! Happy iPhoneography!